Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find out more about Little Gems Child Care?
You can find out more about Little Gems Child Care by visiting our Centre, located at 119 Taylor St, Condell Park. You can also phone (02) 8764 4251, or email us at We welcome inquiries at any time.
What do I do if I am interested in enrolling my child?
If you are interested in enrolling your child/ren at Little Gems Child Care, please fill in the ‘Enrolment Form’ or ‘Waiting List Form ‘online. After receiving your submission we will give you a call, and complete the enrolment process. This involves identifying vacancies, discussing your child’s needs, and getting a date confirmed.
What does the enrolment process involve?
Enrolling at Little Gems Chid Care is easy as one, two, and three. Educators are with you every step of the way, and will notify you of the next step to take. You will need to bring along your child’s birth certificate and immunisation book (to be photocopied). First, you will get a tour of the Centre so you can observe the environment, and the different learning opportunities. Then you will be provided with an enrolment package which includes an enrolment form, an emergency contact form and a parent information sheet.
The interviewer will go through the enrolment form with the parent, and discuss a quote for your daily fees. We encourage parents to ask as many questions as they like and we will provide the best possible answer that supports your decision in picking the best Centre for your child. You will be offered 2 pre-enrolment visits where families can bring the child for a 1 hour orientation commencing before the starting date.
How does the waiting list work?
Due to a high demand of good quality care, there may be times when Little Gems have no vacancies at the centre. In order to reserve a placement for your child when one becomes available, you’re advised to completing a Waiting List Form. In order to register on our waiting list there is an administration fee of $10.00. This is a non-refundable and contributes to the cost of record keeping. The waiting list is regularly reviewed by centre educators, and you will be contacted if there is a position available.
How much does it cost to send my child to Little Gems Child Care?
The cost of a day at the Centre is $105.You may be eligible for government subsidies that will make a difference to your fees. Give the Centre a call for a quote.
What happens if there is a public holiday on my child’s attendance day?
Little Gems Child Care is closed for public holidays. If your day falls on a public holiday, you will still be charged for this day to cover staff costs. This is a standard practice, in which educators are entitled to pay on public holidays. The Australian Government Child Care Benefit ( CCB) covers up to 42 absences days a year, which includes public holidays. If you have not exceeded this you will be eligible for the CCB discount on public holidays.
Do I still need for pay for my day if my child is sick?
Little Gems Child Care charges families for sick days to cover the operational costs. This is standard practice across the industry.
Do I need to pack lunch?
Little Gems Child Care only provides morning tea, afternoon tea, and late snack. Therefore, you will need to provide lunch for your child.
Do I need to pack sunscreen?
Little Gems Child Care provides child-safe sunscreen. We ask families kindly to apply sunscreen on their child when they arrive in the centre. If your child has sensitive skin, please feel free to pack your own preferred brand.
What support is available for children with additional needs?
Little Gems Child Care supports families with children with additional needs. We cater to additional needs children by providing support and care that meets to their needs.
In regards to allergies, we have children’s allergies displayed in the centre environment to ensure educators/parents are aware of allergies in the centre.
Our centre provides support for children with physical or learning disabilities and behavioural issues. Currently, Little Gems is working on providing programs to support the children with additional needs. Educators spend time with children with additional needs one-on-one throughout the day to spend extra time, meeting the children’s needs. We want to specifically assist those children who face additional challenges.
Please speak with the Centre Director at Little Gems Child Care about ways we can work in partnership to support and manage your child’s specific needs.